Bob Cat
Dex: 09 | Str: 05 | Bod: 06 | Motivation: Anti-Hero Thrill of Adventure |
Int: 06 | Wil: 07 | Min: 07 | Occupation: Vigilante |
Inf: 07 | Aur: 06 | Spi: 08 | Resources {or Wealth}: 006 |
Init: 026 | HP: 055 |
Powers: Danger Sense: 5, Mystic Sense: 5
Bonuses and Limitations: none
Skills: Acrobatics: 10, Charisma: 7, Martial Artist: 8, Military Science (tracking): 6, Occultist (occult knowledge, ritual magic): 4, Thief (escape artist): 9, Weaponry (melee, missile): 9
Bonuses and Limitations: none
Advantages: Attractive, Gift of Gab, Lightning Reflexes, Local Hero
Connections: Death Ray (high), Gena Rator (high), Mystic Community (low)
Drawbacks: Dark Secret (*CLASSIFIED*), Enemy (*CLASSIFIED*), Limelight, MIA to being center of attention
Equipment: Cat’s Claws [Body: 12, Claws: 8, Clinging: 2, Spritual Drain: 4] Limitations: Spiritual Drain has a range of touch
Catsuit [Body: 12, Invulnerability: 18, Regeneration: 6, Running: 6, Speak With Animals: 7] Limitations: Invulnerability only works when reach max negative body; Invulnerability only has 9 uses per person (Bob has used up 3); Speak With Animals only works on felines.
Real name: Robert Luna
Marital status: Presumed Single
Known relatives: none
Group affiliation: sometimes partner of Death Ray, ally of Gena Rator
Base Of Operations: Steelworks district of The Divide
Height: 6' 2" Weight: 195 lbs.
Eyes: Blue Hair: Dark Brown
Powers and Abilities:
Bob Cat possesses a pair of cat talismans which have granted him several abilities. His Catsuit grants him regenerative abilities, as well as literally giving him 9 lives, 3 of which Bob has already used. The suit also allows him to run faster than any human, at speeds equivalent to the cheetah. He can also communicate with any feline while wearing the suit.
His Cat’s Claws work mainly as an offensive slashing weapon, but can also be used to dig in to walls and climb. At his command, the Claws can also work to literally drain the spirit from his foes, although Bob fears this attack almost as much as its victims.
Bob possesses an inherent tie with the mystic which gives him both the ability to sense the usage of magic nearby him as well as to read when attacks towards him will occur. This serves to make it very hard to suprise Bob Cat in battle.
Bob is an accomplished fighter, equal to if not greater than his partner Death Ray. He possesses a wide variety of training in fields such as tracking, escapology, weapons, and the occult. The origins of these abilities are still shrouded in mystery.
Robert Luna’s history between his childhood growing up in nearby Battle Creek, Michigan, and his arrival in the Divide remains a mystery. A seemingly normal child, Luna left home after graduating high school and did not return to the area for over a decade.
When he did, Robert Luna was gone and the bombastic vigilante Bob Cat stood in his place. Bob initially harassed the local gang populations, including both the Dogpack and the Great Question. After only a few weeks, he met Gena Rator. Gena kept him focused on actually trying to help the people of the Divide and also set up the partnership between Bob & Death Ray. Bob & Ray have since become good friends and staunch allies and work to carve their own destiny in the Divide.
While his partner is grim as all get out, Bob Cat is a hyper-active, over-excited metahuman who can never quite be quiet. he stays in good cheer almost constantly, and is obsessed with being the center of attention in public. His attitude has made him something of a local celebrity, and even the metahuman rag sheets report on his life despite his current location. Privately, Bob is a little less happy as he constantly worries that his actions of the past will come back to haunt him....
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