Jack Flash
Dex: 06 | Str: 03 | Bod: 05 | Motivation: Upholding the Good |
Int: 06 | Wil: 08 | Min: 08 | Occupation: Vigilante |
Inf: 06 | Aur: 08 | Spi: 06 | Resources {or Wealth}: 004 |
Init: 020 | HP: 060 |
Powers: Flame Being: 4, Flame Project: 8, Gliding: 6, Jumping: 6
Skills: Charisma: 7, Detective (clue analysis, law, legwork, police procedure): 6, Martial Artist (assault, battery, blocking): 6, Scientist: 4
Advantages: Area Knowledge (the Divide); Expertise (bio-chemistry); Local Hero; Silent Assistant (Cowgirl); Stabilization
Connections: China Doll (high), Double Cross (high), Everyman (low), Johnny B. Goode (high), Street (high)
Drawbacks: Dark Secret (death of son), Enemy (Antagonist), Guilt (death of son), Unluck
Real name: Jack Brigham
Marital status: Presumed Single
Known relatives: Francis (son, deceased)
Group affiliation: sometime partner of Johnny B. Goode, sometime ally of Double Cross
Base Of Operations: Q-Zone
Height: 6'1" Weight: 220 lbs.
Eyes: Brown Hair: Black
Powers and Abilities:
Jack Flash possesses the ability to generate an aura of flames around his body and projectself-generated flames at will. His mutation also allows him to leap to great heights, although a harmless fiery after image follows him on his jumps. While in the air he can also manipulate heat to effect air currents and allow himself to glide even farther than a jump would normally take him.
Thanks to training from his mentor Double Cross, Jack Flash possesses above average fighting skills as well as detecting skills.
In his past life, Jack was a grad student in chemical engineering and he still can call on his past training when needed.
Born and raised in old Detroit, Jack Brigham was working as a lab assistant in a bio-chemistry lab in the pre-collapse city. His boss, an old grade school friend named Anthony Goen, worked on metahuman enhancement technologies. **CLIPPED**
Jack found himself the subject of a project to activate his latent metagene. The process worked and Jack erupted in an inferno which left the facilities destroyed and third degree burns on his still unstable body. Jack fell in to a coma and remained in a hospital as a John Doe for months.
Upon awakening he found Detroit in ruins and the first days of Mr. Mayor’s reign as the leader of the newly renamed Divide underway. His family gone, his villainous boss gone, and nothing left to him but his new powers, Jack vowed to become the defender of the southern-most districts of the Divide. Although initially hated for the destruction he caused in the city, he soon came to become better respected during a fight with a mind-controlled Everyman. He would protect the district for over half a decade while learning to control his powers at the side of his mentor, aging villain turned metahero Double Cross.
Unfortunately his neighborhood would soon fall under the sway of the Great Question, a gang of metahuman thugs lead by the Antagonist. With the district renamed the Q-Zone, Jack found himself embattled against thugs and metahuman members of the Great Question. He could do little to stop the Antagonist’s rise to power and eventual takeover of the entire Divide.
Now loved by the people but under warrant of death by the Divide’s goverment, Jack Flash continues to fight the good fight with only his friend and protege Johnny B. Goode and his ally, confidant, and lover China Doll at his side. But thanks to inside information
Jack Flash is a hard man, careful to show his emotions. But deep down he is still the loving father of his youth. But now his focus has moved to the residents of the Q-Zone. He will do anything to protect “his people” from harm, and will beat himself up over every failure to do so. Jack refuses to back out of a conflict, and he will always fight until he can fight no more, even if it means a brutal beating. Jack’s love life reflects his loss of his son as well, as he will not let himself fall too hard or too far for any woman.
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