Friday, September 14, 2007



Dex: 06
Str: 03 Bod: 05 Motivation:
Power Lust
Int: 09 Wil: 08 Min: 06
Occupation: Gang leade, supreme ruler of the Divide
Inf: 08 Aur: 09 Spi: 09
Resources {or Wealth}: 014
Init: 023 HP: 070

Powers: Emotion Absorption (Energy Blast, Flight, Force Field): 25, Energy Blast: 4, Flight: 4, Force Field: 4

Bonuses and Limitations: Emotion Absorption is an automatic action when around Antagonist’s followers. Whenever in the Q-Zone, Antagonist can be counted as having 18 APs of absorbed emotions in reserve, usually distributed evenly around his powers.

Skills: Charisma: 12, Detective (law): 7

Advantages: Area Knowledge (the Divide); Government Credentials (high); Expansive Headquarters; Gift of Gab; Omni-Connection; Scholar (business)

Connections: Crime (low), Great Question (high), Skull Solo (low), Street (low)

Drawbacks: Authority Figure; Dependent (Jaena); Enemy (Everyman); Enemy (Jack Flash); Enemy (Mr. Mayor); Minor Psychological Instability

Real name: Anthony Goen IV
Marital status: Single
Known relatives: Jaena (daughter), Anthony III (father, deceased)
Group affiliation: leader of the Great Question
Base Of Operations: Q-Zone
Height: 5'9" Weight: 194 lbs.
Eyes: Black Hair: Black

Powers and Abilities:
Antagonist feeds off the strong emotions of others and can channel them in to his own abilities. This fuels his telekinetic abilities to fly and project force fields and blasts. With his loyal supporters in the Q-Zone behind him, Antagonist has a vast store of energy.

In addition, Antagonist is a skilled manipulator. With the powers of his aide de camp Mouthpiece to support him, Antagonist projects a mind-numbingly charismatic presence which gives him the ability to lead many individuals in to following him.

The heir to the Goen steel fortune, Anthony Goen grew up as a rebellious young rich kid, undisciplined and unwatched. He fell in to a life of sex, crime and drugs, but it wasn’t until he impregnated his African American girlfriend that his father took an interest in his son’s fall. The elder Goen beat his son to within an inch of his life. During his recovery, Anthony’s father declared his son his official heir and set out to brutally manipulate the younger Anthony in to a rightful heir to his empire. Anthony’s daughter Jaena was left with her mother and a large trust fund in exchange for mother and daughter’s silence.

The elder Goen died days after Anthony’s twenty-second birthday and Anthony quickly took total control of his father’s holdings. Within two years, Anthony expanded them in to a vast multi-venture empire. One of the fields he financed study in was metagenetic research, in hopes of unlocking his own metahuman abilities. His researchers cut costs left and right, performing experiments on prostitutes and the homeless with little care for their subjects’ well-being.


His fury at the destruction of the experimental materials proved short lived as he found something in the explosion had activated his own metagene. Goen left Detroit for the south of France where he would live for the next several years. Meanwhile, Detroit was ravaged in the Endstorm, and in the aftermath, the Divide rose from the ashes.

Five years later, Anthony, now richer than ever, received word from his former girlfriend’s mother in the Divide. His ex was dead and his daughter Jaena was ready to see him.

Wanting to drive the final nail in his father’s coffin, Goen moved in to the Divide to retrieve his daughter. Once there, he found an empire ripe for the plucking. Gathering together Conundrum, Mouthpiece, Cowgirl, Shock, Awe and the rest of the forces of the Great Question, Goen worked behind the scenes to take control of the Q-Zone. For months, no one knew who the Great Question’s mysterious leader, known only as the Antagonist, could be.

Jack Flash uncovered Antagonist’s existence. Antagonist quickly found himself regularly battling Flash as well as the hero of the people known as Everyman. His manipulation behind the scenes lead to both men’s repeated defeat. With his two greatest enemies out of the way, The Great Question attacked City Center. Antagonist dethroned Mr. Mayor and took control of the Divide itself.

His manipulations lead to his recruiting of Everyman’s ex-wife Barbara and son Vic, whose presence served to keep the hero at bay. In utter control of the city, Antagonist now seeks to increase the size of his empire past the borders of the Divide, while from within the city’s own heroes fought against him and his control of the city.

Antagonist’s motivations are closely guarded, known only to himself and his confidants in the Great Question. His one true desire is power, and he will do anything to acquire even greater levels of it. Lascivious by nature, Antagonist keeps a harem of several women to serve his “needs” at any given time. Antagonist shows a different side around his daughter Jaena whom he treats with care despite her utter lack of respect for him.

Barbara Simmons (also pictured)
Barbara is the ex-wife of John “Everyman” Simmons. She has normal human (2 AP) stats but for the following: Dex: 3, Body: 3, Int: 4, Detective (law): 6, Weaponry (firearms): 4

Barbara, called Babs by the members of the Great Question, is a masochist at heart. She revels in the pain she causes her former husband, and is easily the proudest member of Antagonist’s harem.

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